Successful alone time in the hotelroom

Photo by Monse Avila / Unsplash

Photo by Monse Avila / Unsplash

Leaving your dog alone in a new place, such as a hotel room, can be necessary. You might need to run an errand, go for a dinner or an appointment where dogs are not appropriate to bring. Before you leave your loved one alone for a few hours, make sure to prepare to avoid a barking, howling or stressed dog. Also, be sure the hotel’s pet policy allows you to leave dogs unattended in the room.

  1. Do not leave her alone until she has acclimated to the hotel room. Take time to establish the hotel room as a “home”, so she understands that this is now a safe place and that when you leave, you’ll be right back.

  2. If possible, upgrade to a suite. Having a living room and a bedroom allows you to settle your dog in the one furthest from the hallway. The room in between becomes a buffer, giving your dog space from activity outside the door.

  3. Put on the ‘Do not disturb’ sign before you leave the hotel room.

  4. Keep the time you’re away short. Do what you must do and get back as quickly as possible.

  5. Bring things that makes her safe and comfortable, like favourite toys and the precious blanket.

  6. A tired dogs is a happy dog. Go for a long walk before she is left alone.

  7. Pack something extra-special to keep him busy while he’s alone. Whether it’s a tasty chew or a dog puzzle that requires work to get the treats out. If her mouth is busy, your dog will be less likely to bark.

  8. Help her relax by tuning in a classical music station or playing a dog-relaxation playlist from Spotify to reduce anxiety. Leave it playing quietly to cover any noises that might trigger barking.

  9. Stop by the front desk when you leave the room to verify that the staff on duty has your cell phone number. Just in case.

  10. Every dog can have a bad day. If the hotel notifies you that your dog is missing you loudly, return to the hotel and try again the next day.


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